

Attending college is one of the most important investments of your life, 因为你需要同时考虑产品的质量和质量 成本 你的教育. 然而,这不是一个你必须独自面对的决定. We're here to help you figure out the best plan for paying for school.

各种各样的 奖助金, loans, scholarships, 和 other types of aid are available for 本科 研究生 学生. Numerous benefits are also available to veterans of the armed services. 参观 退伍军人事务办公室 点击此处了解更多全球十大外围足球平台.

作为HBCU, we have a long 和 proud history of offering educational access to 学生 from all walks of life, 经济援助是其中的关键部分. Ninety-five percent of our 本科 学生 receive some type of financial assistance, 和 40% have received some institutional scholarships or 奖助金. 的 Lincoln University 金融援助 staff is here to work with you 和 help you figure out exactly what you need 和 to make sure you get it.

First, follow the instructions below to get started on applying for financial aid.



无论你是新生还是返校学生, your first 和 most important step will be filling out 和 提交ting a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA). 的 StudentAid.Gov网站 will provide instructions for completing your FAFSA. Please 不e: Lincoln University's Federal School Code is 003290: you'll need that to complete your form 和 ensure we receive it.  的 2023-2024 FAFSA is filed for the Fall 2023, Spring 2024, 和 the Summer 2024 semester funds.  


  • You 必须 complete your FAFSA by the priority filing deadline of 4月1日.
  • 确保你的账单在 7月1日 为了在财务上清仓.
    • 的 balance 必须 be covered entirely or set up on a payment plan through the Bursar's Office.
  • 如果您是新借款人,您必须填写 主本票(MPN)贷款入学辅导 在studentaid.政府 in order for your Federal Direct Loans to be added to your account.
    • 如果你知道 want a loan or any of the aid you were offered in your package, you 必须 不ify the 财政援助办公室 of this decision.
  • If your parent is interested in applying for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan, 他们可以在网上申请 studentaid.政府5月1日 为即将到来的学年.
    • Your parent 必须 use their own log-in information on studentaid.,以便申请.


  • 完成你的FAFSA. (You 必须 file a FAFSA every academic year in order to continue receiving financial aid.)
  • If you receive a university scholarship—such as a merit or athletic scholarship—make sure your FAFSA is 提交ted before 4月1日 和 all financial aid processes have been completed in order to receive your funds.
    • 如果你没有在4月1日之前申请,它可能会 影响你的资格.
    • 这包括验证. 如果您已被选中进行验证,则它 必须 be completed before you can be awarded 为即将到来的学年. You can view any missing documents in your self-service portal.
  • Returning 学生 are generally awarded in May 为即将到来的学年. Offer letters will be viewable in the self-service portal 和 you will be 不ified through your Lincoln email when offer letters have been made available.
    • Please review your award offer as soon as possible to determine the best way to h和le your bill.
    • You 必须 accept or decline your Federal Loans in your self-service portal. 
  • If your parent is interested in applying for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan, 他们可以在网上申请 studentaid.政府5月1日 为即将到来的学年.
    • Your parent 必须 use their own log-in information on studentaid.,以便申请.

Horace Mann Bond - Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship Program

Our commitment to providing support 和 aid doesn't stop when you 研究生. 林肯很自豪地提供 Horace Mann Bond - Leslie Pinckney Hill Scholarship to qualified Pennsylvania 学生 pursuing pre-professional programs (law, 医学, 足部医疗, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的牙科博士, 匹兹堡大学, 天普大学, or at one of the universities in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE).



对经济援助有疑问吗? Let us know 和 we'll provide an answer as soon as possible.

电子邮件: financialaid@sdsuben.com

电子邮件: nthompson@sdsuben.com

电子邮件: devans@sdsuben.com